Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Blog.

5th December, 2010.

Today I went with my family (minus my sister) and my boy to meet my new baby cousin F and see the rest of my family.

These flowers greeted us when we arrived at my parents.

We piled into the backseat of my parents 4WD where I proceeded to become car-sick from reading the GPS coordinations. This part of my family lived a good 40min drive out of the city - it's a gorgeous little country town where the local pub is frequented by bikers and the farm yards are filled with random bath-tubs. As my mum said: The place where bathtubs go to die.

My gorgeous little cousin C - he is only 2yo but if he's anything like his father and uncles, he'll end up 6ft plus. His parents are expecting a little sibling in 2 weeks time.

The newest addition to our family - baby F.

After an evening snooze following a fantastic lunch and another long drive home, the boy and I settled down to reacquaint ourselves with the TV show of our adolescence - The OC.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Blog.

4th December, 2010.

Met up with one of my friends for breakfast this morning. It started off as a bit of a rush since I forgot to set my alarm but I managed to arrive only 20min late. I hate being late so this was really embarrassing! I did some christmas and birthday shopping for various people and then headed home to spend another afternoon lying in bed watching tv shows.

I love the store T2 - they always have the most delightful selection of teapots and teacups! Last christmas they had these beautiful turkish-styled glass teacups which I purchased for my friend and this year they have a gorgeous range of turkish-styled china teacups.

I also did some shopping of my own.

And finally - this is the 4th day of summer. We are yet to see the sun...

A minute later it started pouring with rain. This is a shot from my bedroom window to the abandoned property next door. One sunny afternoon when it has been mowed, my housemates and I hope to take a picnic blanket and work on our vitamin D levels.

Christmas Blog.

I've missed the first 3 days but I intend to update my blog daily until christmas with a daily photo shoot of what I'm getting up to these holidays.

1st December, 2010.
I went to Karaoke with my boy and our friends. These are my two closest friends in Med singing to one another.

2nd December, 2010.
Disappointingly, I didn't take any photos of this day despite it being the first time that my boy sat down with my parents, my brother and his fiancee, and my sister and her boyfriend. My mum cooked a fantastic roast lamb with roast vegetables and an apple crumble and bread-n-butter pudding for desert. It was superb.

3rd December, 2010.
I again didn't take any spontaneous photos today but I did discover that I passed my third year exams and am thus set to become a 4th year (and more importantly a final year) medical student. Only twelve more months. Here is a shot of me still feeling excited (despite appearing somewhat forced).