Me: What are you watching?
Housemate (HM): Alexander... I'm not quite sure what's going on?
Me: Where's colin farrell
HM: I'm not sure who's side he's on... I think the persians are wearing multiple colours...
Me: And the persians are not Alexander? Is he Greek?
HM: No... Alexander was macedonian... that's north of Greece.
Me: Don't judge me... I learnt all I know about history through ancient history and like most of school - I've forgotten it all.
HM: I learnt everything I know from those fictional history books.
Me: Oh! Those ones where they were pedophiles...
HM: I don't think caesar was a pedophile... but some of the other Romans were...
Me: Was alexander one?
HM: No - I think he was a homosexual...
Me: Ooh! Have their been any sexy moments between Colin Farrell and sexy male co-stars...
I proceed to mimic a sexy kiss for some reason.
HM: No! But there was a moment before he went to war-
Me (Interrupting): and they sexy man kissed!
HM: No... they were like:

"If you die, I will avenge you"

And then they hugged.
HM: They wear very short shorts... maybe that's why they were homosexuals.
Me: Possibly...
HM: Actually - they're more like skirts. Perhaps they were like the Scottish and wore no underwear and so they were all a little turned onafter the war.
HM: Perhaps they were like 'Lets stop fighting and make out.'
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Oh hi! Fancy seeing you here!
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