Sunday, September 28, 2008

Procrasinating from procrastination.

So part of medicine is completing a list of tasks for every weekly case called 'Learning Objectives', which we have shortened to yet another acronym - LO's. A friend of mine was commenting that she's beginning to hate those two letters, which I immediately agreed with before realising that my surname starts with both. *Face-palm*

This past weekend I have been doing the list of LO's for a case about a woman with a heart attack. One of the LO's reads like this:
8. Experience in a simulated form how to answer a request by a critically ill patient for their prognosis.
My thought process went a little like the following:
- I think I need to watch a film on this.
- How does one put video on paper?
- What does simulate mean? And why would I want to experience it?
- And why would I want to experience telling a critically ill person they're going to die?
- Would the correct answer be: Yell and point at something behind them and then make a quick getaway while they're looking away?

The next LO was almost as bad:
9. Experience in a simulated form how to ethically and legally request post mortem permission from next-of-kin, after a patient’s sudden death.
- Ask and then duck as the family member takes an almighty swing at your head.
- Deligate, deligate, deligate. If you're a consultant, shaft the responsibility to the registrar, if you're a registrar give it to the intern, if you're the intern give it to a medical student. If you're a medical student... well, remember that everythings for the sake of learning and unless you actually kill or maim someone, you're probably good to go. Or just run and hide.

A third year medical student (3YS) who I work with was telling me a story about her day in the surgical ward of our local hospital.
She had recently run into a registrar earlier that day and was committed to not getting noticed for the rest of the day. So picture this:
*3YS stands flat against the wall, believing that in no way possible can she draw attention to herself*
Other student: Hey can you lend me a pen? (or some other meaningless question)
3YS: Sure
She lifts her elbow slightly away from where she had them stuck to her sides, just in time to have a Consultant race around the corner, run into her still form and spill coffee all over his expensive clothes.
*3YS flinches*
*Storms away*
Intern: If it was going to happen to anyone today, it was going to happen to you.

Things to do this week:
- LOs
- Practical revision
- DHC report
- Hospital report
- Go to the beach
- Go to an engagement party on Saturday
- Pay bills.
- Don't get distracted by reading, writing, new episodes of Gossip Girl, House and Grey's Anatomy

... Easier said than done.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

this elbow story reminds me of nanna and how she would always talk about how pointy her elbows were and how mum, nan and subsequently we had inherited this.