Today I went with my family (minus my sister) and my boy to meet my new baby cousin F and see the rest of my family.
These flowers greeted us when we arrived at my parents.
We piled into the backseat of my parents 4WD where I proceeded to become car-sick from reading the GPS coordinations. This part of my family lived a good 40min drive out of the city - it's a gorgeous little country town where the local pub is frequented by bikers and the farm yards are filled with random bath-tubs. As my mum said: The place where bathtubs go to die.
My gorgeous little cousin C - he is only 2yo but if he's anything like his father and uncles, he'll end up 6ft plus. His parents are expecting a little sibling in 2 weeks time.
The newest addition to our family - baby F.
After an evening snooze following a fantastic lunch and another long drive home, the boy and I settled down to reacquaint ourselves with the TV show of our adolescence - The OC.